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Jin Yan

The Jin Yan restaurant serves authentic Cantonese cuisine. Featuring classic shades of Chinese red, the restaurant is a proud demonstration of the beauty of traditional Chinese craftsmanship. The entrance corridor is made from red glaze and takes inspiration from traditional Chinese architecture. Inside, a crystal art installation displays a dragon playing with a pearl. All these inviting diners into a refreshing environment with a feast for both the eyes and the palate.

Jin Yan

The Jin Yan restaurant serves authentic Cantonese cuisine. Featuring classic shades of Chinese red, the restaurant is a proud demonstration of the beauty of traditional Chinese craftsmanship. The entrance corridor is made from red glaze and takes inspiration from traditional Chinese architecture. Inside, a crystal art installation displays a dragon playing with a pearl. All these inviting diners into a refreshing environment with a feast for both the eyes and the palate.

The Jin Yan restaurant serves authentic Cantonese cuisine. Featuring classic shades of Chinese red, the restaurant is a proud demonstration of the beauty of traditional Chinese craftsmanship. The entrance corridor is made from red glaze and takes inspiration from traditional Chinese architecture. Inside, a crystal art installation displays a dragon playing with a pearl. All these inviting diners into a refreshing environment with a feast for both the eyes and the palate.

Des débuts il y a 10 ans à aujourd'hui, 'Respect pour le passé, passion pour l'avenir' nous pousse chaque jour à nous améliorer constamment.
Des débuts il y a 10 ans à aujourd'hui, 'Respect pour le passé, passion pour l'avenir' nous pousse chaque jour à nous améliorer constamment.

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Unsere Mission: Sehen, was wirklich wichtig ist. Seit 2013 stehen wir für Premium-Eyewear, handgefertigt aus den besten.

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Unsere Mission: Sehen, was wirklich wichtig ist. Seit 2013 stehen wir für Premium-Eyewear, handgefertigt aus den besten.

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Unsere Mission: Sehen, was wirklich wichtig ist. Seit 2013 stehen wir für Premium-Eyewear, handgefertigt aus den besten.