Founders Story

10 Years of VIU

Where can you find equitably produced, high-quality eyewear without having to spend a fortune? VIU’s founders Kilian Wagner, Fabrice Aeberhard and Peter Kaeser asked themselves that question exactly ten years ago – and promptly came up with the answer: at VIU Eyewear.

In the interview, they talk about their idea for founding the company and the challenges they overcame, and they also show you a few of VIU’s highlights.

VIU’s founders Kilian, Peter and Fabrice chat without mincing their words.
“We know our producers very well, so we also know where and, above all, how our products are made.”
Kilian, CEO & Co-Founder

As a strategist, visionary and CEO, Kilian keeps the “ship on course” and has made it his mission to lastingly revolutionise the eyewear industry.

“The most important thing in Swiss design is the essence. It’s not about decorations, but about articulating a pure and lucid language of form.”
Fabrice, Creative Director & Co-Founder

Clean, pure, honest – this is Creative Director Fabrice’s design philosophy and also his charming way of talking about ideas, visions and challenges.

“So much in the eyewear business is done via middlemen. With VIU, we’ve really shaken up that way of thinking.”
Peter, COO & Co-Founder

Whether it’s a direct-to-customer approach or personal relationships with our manufacturers, COO Peter pulls the strings behind the scenes and always keeps a sharp eye on the operative business.